
Free Norwegian lessons for small companies

Free Norwegian lessons for small companies

KompetansePluss Arbeid (KPA) is an initiative from the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) aimed at improving basic skills among employees in reading, writing, math, and digital competence. The program is specifically targeted at adults with low formal education and offers a variety of modules to choose from. Small and medium-sized comapanies are prioritized by HK-dir. As an approved provider of KPA, you can be confident that Alfaskolen delivers courses that meet all requirements.

Free course with Alfaskolen

Alfaskolen has a long history of offering specialized Norwegian language training tailored to meet the unique needs of expats and labor immigrants. As part of the KompetansePluss Arbeid program, we offer free Norwegian courses focused on workplace communication and cultural nuances. Our courses are designed to help non-native speakers integrate more effectively into the Norwegian work environment, enhancing both individual performance and overall team collaboration.

Whether you or your employees are beginners or advanced users of Norwegian, Alfaskolen can find the right course and teacher to improve skills in communication and comprehension.

Do You Qualify for KPA?

Funding is granted based on points. Here are some of the key criteria:

  • Does your company have employees in need of training in Norwegian as a second language?
  • Does your company have 20 or fewer employees?
  • Have the course participants only completed primary school and/or have foreign education up to and including high school, which is not approved in Norway?
  • Can some or all of the course hours take place during working hours?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, you are likely qualified for Kompetansepluss Arbeid 2025!

Course Content

The course can consist of up to 200 hours and can be composed of Norwegian as a second language in combination with math skills and/or digital skills. Regardless of the combination, the course will be vocational, using relevant context, vocabulary, and work situations.

Tailored for Your Company and Industry

The KompetansePluss Arbeid program offers a variety of modules, each focusing on a specific skill. Here are some examples:

Together with Alfaskolen, companies can combine these modules to meet the needs of both employees and the company. Alfaskolen already offers a variety of specialized courses focused on grammar, conversation, or exam preparation.

How to collaborate with Alfaskolen

To learn more about the program and what a potential collaboration might look like, employers can contact Alfaskolen for a consultation. We will tailor a program that meets your specific needs, ensuring you get the most out of KompetansePluss Arbeid!

    Please note that the information on this page may be updated and modified in accordance with new requirements or guidelines from HK-dir.
