‘Hen’: Gender-Neutral Pronouns in Norwegian
25 Jun 2024

‘Hen’: Gender-Neutral Pronouns in Norwegian

Have you seen or heard people using the pronoun «hen» and are wondering what it means? Do you need a gender-neutral pronoun so you can write more inclusive texts in Norwegian, or because you know someone who is nonbinary? Read on and find out everything you need to know about «hen» and why it’s important! […]

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Russefeiring: Explained
10 May 2024

Russefeiring: Explained

As warmer times approach, one of Norway’s most visible signs of spring emerges: the Russefeiring (Russ celebration). If you’re new to Norway, you might start wondering: Who are all these teenagers in red pants? What does it mean to be a “russ” in Norway? What are russeknuter, russedress, russegruppe, and russebuss? And what does Russefeiring […]

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